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About Me

I was first moved by the subject of race in 2015 after what had become all too common. A white police officer shot and killed an unarmed African American man, and a riot ensued. This time, it happened in Baltimore, MD--a short two-hour drive from my home. Shortly after this, Dr. Tony Evans preached a sermon in which he stated that the reason we still have a race problem in our country today is that we have a race problem in the church. That resonated with me and God began to move in my heart to make a difference. Although it took a few years, Colorblind was then born.


The church is God’s chosen instrument for believers to come together for worship, prayer, teaching, and fellowship  In John 17, Jesus, in his last prayer before His crucifixion, states that it is through the unity of believers that the world will see Christ's love. Our nation needs to know that love. It desperately needs the Gospel, but without that visible love, that visible unity much of the attraction to the Gospel evaporates. To correct the race problem, the culture looks to political power.  Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in his 2016 book, Writings on the Wall; Searching for a New Equality Beyond Black and White writes that the long-term solution is to:

Butch Bryant - Racial Unity in Church


  1. Teach children well (how to think critically), so when they grow up, they will vote for better leaders.

  2. Stop encouraging people who don’t want to vote to vote.  He believes this dilutes the voting power of those who do want to vote thus encouraging the election of poorer leaders.

  3. Fact-check politicians as often as possible when they speak publicly.


What Mr. Abdul-Jabbar wants is better politics. Is this important? Certainly! However, the race problem in our nation is not primarily a political problem; it is a sin problem, and the Gospel provides the solution. Problematically, real racial unity is mostly absent from the church. What we have in the church today racially is not really disunity. We don’t have overt, intentional racism.  It is more of what I would call ununity. Churches tend to be predominantly African American, mostly White, mainly Hispanic, etc. with little interaction between them. For believers of all races, the time to bridge the differences to demonstrate Christ’s love through our love for each other is now. According to Jesus Himself by crossing the divide and serving each other in love, the church of Jesus Christ will change this culture.


Born in 1963 in rural Virginia, I grew up in a working-class home with my mom, dad, and sister. We are all still close although they live in North Carolina while I remain in the little town of Strasburg, VA. I have a BA in History and have worked in professional sales for about thirty years. I have three daughters who are all grown, gone and married, and my oldest has three daughters of her own. I met the Lord Jesus Christ Labor Day weekend 1990 profoundly impacting my life. I am a member of Fellowship Bible Church in Winchester, VA and have been since 1993. My earnest prayer and desire is to see the church experience the unity she is called to and in particular unity among the races. Through doing so, we will change this nation.

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Strasburg, VA

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